

Blockchain technology has expanded widely and has affected the existing industrial sector. Now, everyone around the world can hear about blockchain technology, and some of them have participated in the blockchain ecosystem. But there are still some people who refuse to participate in it, afraid that this is a risky investment, and some don’t know about blockchain.

Continue to expand the network block network and continue to implement block schemes for many countries and citizens who do not know about this technology. Thus, a team of experts from the company has created a platform called KubitX. This platform offers a universal platform for its users and will provide users with information about ticks by connecting these points and offering the best services using the best global best practices.

What is KubitX?

KuBitX was developed as one of the cryptocurrency platforms and was developed using one of the strongest and most powerful blockchain and contract technologies. This technology was chosen because it has been proven that it provides convenience and security for its users. With the ease provided by this platform, it is hoped that people from all regions and countries will get supervision over ideas that revolve around the Blockchain block and cryptocurrency space. This platform is designed for remote people and small traders to participate in the cryptocurrency market, so diversity in the cryptocurrency market is one of our goals.

To facilitate the transaction of its users on one platform from Kubitx, Kubitx will complete several services that will facilitate the usage. KubitX Trading Machine, Secure Wallet, Advanced Admin Dashboard to organize events on the Trade Exchange are services provided by this platform.

Why do you have to join Cubit EcosystemX

There are several reasons why you must join this board for one of the benefits that you can get if you are included in this system.

High scalability. Our platform is very scalable and flexible, this platform will be ready to add new features that will continue to improve the morning user experience.

  • SAFE – Kubitx uses blockchan technology as one of the development platforms and develops security systems, doing extensive testing with the current platform, which allows us to take a few steps forward developed by our highly qualified security team.
  • BLOCKCHAIN ​​- In development, the Kubitx store will be based on the Ethereum blockchain. And then Kubitx will begin our own chain in the near future, which can be used to solve many cases, such as the most common problems of social, communal, administrative and management activities in developing countries.
  • ECOSYSTEM – Kubitx is a very powerful platform for the same payment. And this ecosystem will continue to grow and will replace the existing traditional payment system.
  • LOW COST – Cubitx provides lace-based services using the KBX marker as a payment tool.
  • MINIMUM RISK – our signing and cold storage strategy with lots of signatures will minimize the impact of our trader stock. We have combined various strategies to protect the funds circulating on our platform.

KuBitX Token Sales

Toner Name: Qubitcoin
Tikis: KBX Token
type: ERC-20
Decimal: 18
Total shipping: 500,000,000
Price: 1 ETH = 8,909.09 KBX
Payment received: ETH
Soft cover: 10,000 ETH
Hard cover: 25,000 ETH

Detailed description of TGE

The token-making event will take three stages.

Season Round: continues and ends July 16, 2018

Preliminary Round
Star: 16 July – 31 August 2018
Minimum Input: 25 ETH
Price: 0.0001122
ETH Bonus: 20%

Public round
Star: TB
Minimum input: 0.25 ETH
Price: TB
Bonus: TB

for information about platfrom, sales of tokens, and if you want to participate, please open the link below, because of your information center

For more information, please click the link below:

Author: traxion11

Bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2213115

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